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Hi, I'm Dr. Kareem Samhouri and I'm here to reveal exactly how to avoid the horror story of pain I'm about to share with you.
When I heard my good friend, Jim, had been laid up in bed for three weeks, pumped full of opioids in agonizing pain, I was heartbroken.
You see, the worst part is, if he had simply reached out to me right before Thanksgiving, when the tightness first started, he would have completely avoided the living nightmare he experienced.
And if you're reading this right now, unfortunately, this could be the path you're on.
So let me start by asking...
Perhaps you're in pain right now, hesitating to get another massage or go to see a doctor and get prescribed pain pills -- or even worse, SURGERY?
Back, shoulder or neck pain -- and even just tightness -- can be so irritating; in many cases debilitating.
But unlike Jim, you've got nothing to fear, because in just a moment I'm going to expose the shockingly simple trick I use with all of my patients to not only immediately relieve pain and tightness in your neck, back or any other area of your body...
Which is exactly why I'm writing to you today.
It had all started with what felt like knots in Jim's left hamstring, the muscle in the back of your thigh.
But it wasn't just a knot.
It was more of a throbbing pain, something he'd never experienced before.
Now, normally, it was the type of thing where he could just do some extra stretching and foam rolling and it would work itself right out.
What he didn't realize, and I would have warned him about, was that it wasn't his hamstrings causing this mystery pain.
It was something much more sinister.
I imagine Jim is just like you: he's got a busy life: career, family and a whole host of responsibilities to deal with.
So while the tightness was bothersome, it wasn't something he couldn't handle.
And like most people, he “toughed it out" and went on with life, including his normal exercise routine.
Well, his usual workout with extra time spent stretching and foam rolling that left hamstring that just seemed to keep getting worse.
Needless to say, that was a mistake.
I want you to promise yourself, and me, that you will NEVER make the mistake he made.
The mistake I'm going to explain right now.
The mistake that put him in bed for 3 weeks completely dependent on highly addictive pain killers just to keep from screaming in agony.
A terrifying ordeal that was completely avoidable, if he had just picked up the phone and called or texted me.
What Jim didn't know was that a tiny little muscle in his butt was strangling one of his nerves.
Slowly, but surely.
Once this starts to happen, as I've already mentioned, foam rolling and stretching aren't going to help.
And using a golf or tennis ball won't either because golf balls leave bruises (which causes swelling) and tennis balls slip when you put your weight on them...
In medical terms, it's called Piriformis Syndrome.
Your piriformis is just a tiny little muscle, but it can cause insane amounts of pain.
You see, what Jim didn't know was that even though the tightness was in his hamstrings, that piriformis muscle of his was strangling that nerve.
The mistake he made was not knowing that there was no way of foam rolling any muscle on his body to prevent what was about to happen.
And he was actually making things far worse. (I'll explain why in a second.)
But again, it's something I could have prevented in all of 3 minutes...
Which is why I really did cringe and my heart sank when he told me about the day the pain exploded throughout his body.
He was in his bedroom getting ready to take his daughter to a birthday party when he tried to foam roll his hamstrings real quick before leaving...
Hoping it would give him enough relief to get through the day...
Jim crumbled to the floor in a heap and let out a blood curdling cry.
Trying to understand what was going on, he tried to stand up yet the pain got nothing but worse.
As he explained to me on the phone, his voice choking up a little from the trauma of the event, it was like three knives had been thrust into his body on his left side.
One in his buttocks...
One in his hamstring...
And one in his calf...
He said it was like someone was stabbing him in those three areas over and over and over again.
Can you imagine that level of pain?
Now, after three weeks of being in a drug induced haze, he was finally able to heal enough to make it to physical therapy.
And after another grueling two months of barely being able to walk, he finally got “back to normal."
Plus, I'm thrilled to say, unlike many people, he was able to stop taking those potentially deadly opioids and never became addicted to them.
However, as you know, that's not the case for many people.
In fact, stories like this are oftentimes EXACTLY how opioid addiction begins.
Needless to say, both he and I are sharing his story so you never have to experience his pain, and so you don't have to worry about becoming strung out on one of the most addictive medications humans have ever created.
I need you to stick to it because right now, at this very moment, you still don't know how to prevent this from happening to you.
Ok, so now that you've heard Jim's horrifying ordeal, who the heck am I and why should you listen to me?
How can you be confident I can prevent such a terrible thing from happening to you, or someone you love?
Again, my name is Dr. Kareem Samhouri. I have my Doctorate in Physical Therapy and I'm also a Kinesiologist.
I'm the author/creator of My Body Cookbook, 5 Minutes To Look Younger, 14 Day Fat Loss Plan, and Create My Workout... amongst many other books, DVDs, and video-based products...
For over 23 years I have helped 1.5 million people not only relieve their pain, but prevent it from ever coming back.
This is my promise to you: if you have pain anywhere in your body right now that is being caused by muscle tension or tightness, I can help you.
Actually, there's a BRAND NEW at-home medical-grade massage device that can help you (perhaps even better than I could in person, because you can store it in your purse, briefcase, or backpack)... this innovative massage technology is specifically designed by a team of biomedical engineers to produce a "hands-on" release effect every time you use it.
And based upon the feedback we've received from our clients, nothing in the massage industry has come close!! Other solutions fail quickly albeit due to discomfort, lack of results, or both...
And perhaps the best part is that when you get four of these new medical-grade massage devices (for pocket change compared to doctors' appointments, medications, etc.), it's like getting a 4-hands massage from a qualified myofascial release practitioner... except at home, and without having to pay every single time you're in pain or would like to feel looser...
Please click the button below to continue, so you can get out of pain, once and for all...